Saturday, September 29, 2007

Mrs. Dalloway

"Mrs. Dalloway said she would buy the flowers herself."

If you want to find out more about Vanina's book, you can check out the following links:

. . Mrs._Dalloway . . . . . Virginia_Woolf . .


  1. I started reading the book and It's a big challenge. Lots of new words. I was on a plane flying from Atlanta to NYC and there was this word "hinges" that I didn't know the meaning, so I asked a man sitting next to me what the meaning was. Successfully I could keep on reading afterwards.
    I think I'll learn a lot of vocabulary out of it.

  2. Hi, Vani!!

    It's great to hear from you so soon!

    Yes, it is a challenging book, indeed. Check the Wikipedia links I added, especially the one about Mrs.Dalloway. It has some important information about the style and structure of the novel. As you have probably noticed, it's full of flashbacks and
    flashforwards which can be a bit daunting at first, but the secret is to keep reading...

    I'm sure you'll find lots of other interesting books to read during your trip.


  3. make sure you use a new word in everyday situations, that way you learn a new interesting word everyday.

    toefl ibt speaking
